My Journey with Nia, Art Therapy & Freedom
The music engulfed the room. Echos enchanting my eardrums, with whispering phrases of oneness. A gentle voice relayed,“We are all connected,”and I felt it; connection with myself, my body, my soul, my spirit; I felt it; with every other dancer, with music. I was invited to explore the space in my “body's way”, so I listened inwardly to my body and what sensation it was asking for. I stretched and moved in all the ways that felt right. I had always wanted to be a dancer, and so admired their elegance and wisdom in movement, but I had always felt too clumsy and could not seem to get the steps to translate from my eyes to my feet.
The instructor pointed out the three points of contact on my foot, which gave me balance and I did not feel my usual clumsiness. Thinking of these points like roots growing into the floor with each step, I made conscious, firm and full contact with the floor- I had no fear and I felt strong. This was my first dance of Nia. On this day, I felt the freedom of moving my body in ways that felt good to me, in front of others. Today, I was a dancer.
I made an agreement with myself right then and there. I would follow this blood-pumping, heart-growing, spirit-tingling passion that was filling me and making me understand the joy it is to be alive. I would study this form of dance so I could share this experience with others.
I took my Nia white belt, and began to pursue all the ways I could expand my knowledge of Nia, movement, and creativity.
Art Therapy came to me in the same way over a decade ago. I had a deep knowing that there is so much intangible to our human experience that is not touched by words. I found that in my own life, sometimes I don't fully know how to describe my experience and therefore it can be difficult to figure out what it means to me and what I need to let go. If I take time and explore what it feels like in image, the image itself gives me a plateau from which to articulate my experience. I then take the lessons I learn and integrate them into my life. This practice helps me to understand myself and my needs whether I am guiding others through their own practice or I am taking time for myself.
My vision is that if we create art, dance and move our bodies; we can live a life of love, confidence, passion, and peace. I stand firmly, consciously on my own two feet as I live this truth. This is where my freedom exists.